Development of a website for the Association of Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension


Development of a new website for the Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA): Create a modern, user-friendly, and informative website for the PHA that supports patients, raises awareness about pulmonary hypertension, and promotes research.

Integration with databases and services: Ensure integration with existing databases and external services for automated information updates on the site.

Responsive design: Develop a responsive design that is easy to view on various devices, from smartphones to desktop computers.


Research and Analysis: Conducted a detailed analysis of APL's needs, studied the target audience, and identified key functional requirements. Paid particular attention to the needs of patients and specialists in the field of pulmonary hypertension.

Design and Prototyping: Developed the UX/UI design of the site and created interactive prototypes for client approval. Focused on navigation convenience and visual appeal, considering the importance of patient information support and raising awareness about the disease.

Frontend Development: Used modern technologies and frameworks to create an interactive and dynamic user interface. Optimized code for fast loading and smooth site performance.


Modern and attractive website: The new PHA website received a modern design that matches the brand and attracts visitors. The user-friendly structure and intuitive navigation provide easy access to information for patients, researchers, and the public.

Improved user interaction: The responsive design ensures convenient viewing on all devices, and integration with databases keeps the information up-to-date. The site also features sections for patients, doctors, and researchers, making it easier to access specialized resources.

High performance and security: The optimized frontend ensures fast page loading, and implemented security measures protect the site from potential threats.

Thus, the new PHA website successfully met the set objectives, improving user interaction and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the organization's online presence, which is dedicated to supporting patients and raising awareness about pulmonary hypertension.

See also:

On the topic: a site for a public organization, web design and site development, a site for a charitable organization, a fast site, an original site, creating a corporate site for a company

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